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Old 17-08-2009, 15:26
ForexMagnates ForexMagnates is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 26
Default Monthly Retail Forex Volume report for July, 2009 – $118 billion daily traded volume

This month, like every month, I’m releasing a monthly online retail Forex volume survey. The report I released in May estimated the total daily volume at over $105B. June’s report estimated the volume at $128B, the increase was mainly due to several more brokers being added to the list.
This month there aren’t any significant changes to the survey results except FXCM which reported that it applies a more conservative and methodical approach to its volumes calculation. There isn’t an industry standard to as how volume is calculated and each broker reports pretty much what he wants. FXCM were the first broker to report official volume and Net Capital figures back in 2007 and was soon followed by a small number of other Forex brokers who sought similar transparency.
I hope other brokers will adhere to these conservative reporting methods as well and that the regulators will release official volume reports just like they do with Forex brokers’ Net Capital.
Due to this change, Oanda leaps to the first place with FXCM and Gaitame following with almost identical figures.

Monthly Retail Forex Volume report for July, 2009 - $118 billion daily traded volume | Forex Magnates
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